Single city card – URBANA
- Rudnik Leclerc
- Dolgi most (P+R)
- Šmartinska, City Park
- Dunajska (in front of Mercator's headquarters)
- Slovenska cesta (Kozolec)
- Slovenska cesta (Bavarski dvor)
- Slovenska cesta (in front of MK Konzorcij)
- Aškerčeva (in front of the Faculty of Arts)
- Krekov trg
- Kolodvor (in front of the railway and bus station)
- Medical Centre of Ljubljana
- Preglov trg (in Fužine)
- Poljanska cesta, Ambrožev trg
- Celovška cesta (in front of the Šiška Cinema)
- in front of the Drama Theatre
- Kodeljevo – terminal station of bus route 24
- Vilharjeva (underpass to the railway station)
- Chengdujska (garage P+R)
- Mercator Šiška
- Karlovška cesta
- Rudnik – near the shooting range
- Vič – Modri vrtec
- Moste marketplace
- Brdo – Nova Grbina
- Koseze marketplace
- Dunajska (opposite the sport stadium)
- 160 Celovška cesta
- Stožice (garage P+R)
- Gosposvetska (in front of the Lev Hotel)
- Roška cesta
- Vojkova – Puhova
- Trnovo bus station (opposite the retirement home)
- Rudnik – bus turning point
- Žale – Žalska cesta
- Dolgi most 2 (P+R)
- Nove Stožice (terminal station of bus route 20), Bežigrad
- Rožna dolina (crossroads of Škrabčeva and Levčeva), Vič Rudnik
- Črnuče (near the post office)