Bus ride
It is only possible to enter the bus through the front door next to the driver. The ride must be paid for immediately after entering the bus, by validating the card. There are two card readers (validators) on every bus:
- the first is located next to the driver and is intended for paying for the ride for one or several passengers with the same card and/or with a mobile phone;
- the second is located above the area of the front wheels of the bus and is intended for paying for a ride for a single passenger.
To validate the card, the user touches the validator with their card, close to the image of a hand holding a card. The card must be validated upon every entry to a bus, even when switching buses. Free tickets must also be validated.
Validation of the value card
Upon validation, the system deducts the amount of a single fare from the credit balance. The deducted amount and the balance on the card appear on the screen. If you switch buses within 90 minutes, touch the validator with the Urbana card and the system will only record the ride. The word PRESTOP (switch) appears on the validator screen. The card balance appears on the screen and no amount is deducted from the card.
Validation of the time card
Upon validation of the time card, the system will first check whether the card has been topped up with a valid monthly ticket. If it has, the system will choose this payment method and will not deduct any credit from the card. The monthly ticket on the Urbana card is valid from the first day of the current month up to the fifth day of the following month. If the system detects that the card is not loaded with a valid monthly ticket, it will deduct the applicable fare that also includes the 90-minute bus switching option.
If after the validation the card is again in contact with the validator on the same bus, the words ŽE VALIDIRANA (already validated) appear on the screen. The card balance is shown again.
Sound and light signals of the validator
- GREEN TICK – successful validation is confirmed with a sound signal and a green tick in the upper-left corner. Both signals are also activated when switching buses and validating the card.
- YELLOW BLINKING LIGHT – A yellow blinking light in the middle of the screen means that the system is functioning and is waiting for the validation.
- RED CROSS – A small red cross flashes in the upper-right corner, accompanied by a sound signal, thus indicating that the card is invalid.
- RED LIGHT – A red light in the middle indicates an error or system breakdown.
Paying for the rides of several passengers
The rides of several passengers are paid from the available credit on the value or time card. Please tell the driver to select the desired number of tickets on a special terminal and then touch the validator with the card. The 90-minute bus switching period applies to all passengers travelling with you, but only if you travel together.
Free bus switching
To be able to switch buses free of charge you must validate your card each time you switch bus – within 90 minutes from the first validation. The ride on a bus you entered by switching buses can be longer than the 90-minute period and/or can last until the terminal station of the bus route.
Bus switching is considered to be any ride that takes place within 90 minutes after paying for the first ride.
Urbana and children
Children up to the age of six years use public transportation free of charge, without any previously issued ticket, but must be accompanied by an adult or a minor who is older than 10 years if permitted so by the child's parents, foster parents or guardians.
Children older than 6 years pay the full fare if they use the Urbana value card. They may already use a school monthly ticket on their Urbana time card or Urbana value card which is at the same time their membership card for the Ljubljana City Library.